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Oriel Davies is proud to present Our Isles, a project founded by Angus D. Birditt & Lilly Hedley that explores the artistry of rural life in the British Isles, focusing on its food & drink, nature & landscape, craft & heritage. It aims to celebrate and in someway go to preserve the rural life of the British Isles.


Oriel Davies is named after the Davies family. After the First World War, Gwendoline and Margaret Davies hoped to create an arts and crafts community at the large country house, Gregynog Hall, their brother had bought in 1914.


They set up Gwasg Gregynog as a way to ensure that the tradition of fine printed books could continue, and that the skills of making things by hand would not be lost. They hoped to provide a centre for the development of arts and crafts in Wales for soldiers returning from the war. The idea was to provide training in art, design and craftmanship.


We love the idea that Our Isles are looking to find people who are continuing the art and craft of rural living.


//  Mae Oriel Davies yn falch o gyflwyno Our Isles //


Ein Ynysoedd, brosiect a sefydlwyd gan Angus D. Birditt & Lilly Hedley sy'n archwilio crefftwaith bywyd gwledig yn Ynysoedd Prydain, gan ganolbwyntio ar ei fwyd a'i ddiod, natur a thirwedd, crefft a threftadaeth. Ei nod yw dathlu ac i fynd rywsut i warchod bywyd gwledig Ynysoedd Prydain.  Enwir Oriel Davies ar ôl y teulu Davies. Ar ôl y Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf, roedd Gwendoline a Margaret Davies yn gobeithio creu cymuned celf a chrefft yn y plasty mawr, Gregynog Hall, roedd eu brawd wedi prynu ym 1914.


Fe wnaethant sefydlu Gwasg Gregynog fel ffordd i sicrhau bod y traddodiad o llyfrau argraffu cain gallai barhau, ac na fyddai'r sgiliau o wneud pethau â llaw yn cael eu colli. Roeddent yn gobeithio darparu canolfan ar gyfer datblygu celf a chrefft yng Nghymru ar gyfer milwyr a ddychwelodd o'r rhyfel. Y syniad oedd darparu hyfforddiant mewn celf, dylunio a chrefftwaith.


Rydyn ni'n caru'r syniad bod Ein Ynysoedd yn edrych i ddod o hyd i bobl sy'n parhau â chelf a chrefft byw yng nghefn gwlad.

Art in Nature (edited).JPG

A glance into 'Art in Nature' collection for the Our Isles Exhibition at Oriel Davies in Newtown, Wales.

Our Isles Exhibition

Our Isles Exhibition at Oriel Davies 

Words by Oriel Davies | @orieldavies

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